Yancy Gage

“I got hired to come here and mine, and this ain’t mining. You guys do your Lewis and Clark thing all you want, I’m staying up here this time. “
~Yancy Gage
Yancy’s great-grandparents fled Cuba during the cataclysmic floods that ravaged the island nation during the Corsica Event, resettling in one of the many camps of Caribbean refugees along the American gulf coast. There, they attempted to find a new life for themselves, but between rampant gang violence in the refugee camps and constant harassment from American law enforcement, it was a hard place to live. Eventually, they managed to book passage to a migrant colony in New Jersey, which by this point had seceded from the struggling United States and had joined the newly organized United North American Republic.
There, Yancy’s family remained for generations. Although living conditions were better than they had been on the Gulf coast, the UNAR did not prove to be quite the land of opportunity and progress they had believed it would be. The most readily available jobs were found in the many demolition and construction operations common worldwide through the post-Corsica reconstruction. These jobs were plentiful, but were dangerous and paid poorly, leaving the large family constantly on the poverty line.
In 2112, Exotech Industries initiated the controversial Skyreacher program: an accelerated astronaut training course with a low barrier to entry and guaranteed job placement in Exotech’s booming asteroid mining industry. Though praised by some, many viewed the program as exploitation of poor and marginalized communities for cheap labor to expand Exotech’s already massive space mining monopoly. Particular criticism was leveled at the high workplace casualty rates among Skyreacher workers, with accusations that the program’s “streamlined” training process inadequately prepared workers for the hazards of hard labor in deep space.
When Yancy lost his father and older brother to workplace accidents on deep space asteroid breaker rigs, he set out to honor their memory while avoiding their fates. Desiring to carry on the family’s tradition of deep space mining while aiming to do his part to elevate his family out of its generational poverty, Yancy applied himself to his studies throughout high school until he finally earned a coveted scholarship to the Ganymede Technical Academy. He aspired to be something more than a disposable laborer on a mining rig; when he entered the workforce, he wanted to enter at the top.
At the academy, Yancy gradually worked his way through a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering. His studies were diligent, but his grades were middling, thanks in no small part to the chaotic influence of his new found friend Hollis Rook.
Rook and Yancy became fast friends during freshman year at the academy. Though the two had little common ground at first, Rook’s energetic extroverted personality inexplicably clicked with the much more reserved Yancy’s. Rook’s constantly playful demeanor rubbed off on Yancy, bringing him out of his shell even as it weakened his academic focus.
By the time the two graduated from Ganymede, they were hardly ever seen apart, and had already resolved to find employment together after graduation. They had graduated far from the top of their class, however, and had missed out on many of the academy’s guaranteed work placements, so their opportunities were limited. Exotech Industries was always hiring, but Yancy was strongly disinclined to work for a company that had seen his father and brother die from workplace negligence. His disapproval of Exotech was strong enough that he happily agreed to Rook’s suggestion that they instead work for the mining company with the highest casualty rate in the Home System: the Argos Mining Syndicate.
The Argos mine on Io was every bit as perilous as described. Though it paid comparatively well, it was hard to say any compensation was worth the deadly risks of radiation, groudquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the frequent total freezing of the moon’s meager atmosphere. The hazards suited Rook’s adventurous spirit well, but the risk-averse Yancy quickly regretted the job choice.
On multiple occasions, Yancy suggested applying somewhere else, but each time Rook managed to convince him to stick it out a little longer. It wasn’t until a new opportunity fell into their hands that Rook relented; one that presented them with an opportunity they both craved.
Exotech Industries approached the two of them with a lucrative offer: to be the two mining specialists on a seven-member survey team to the newly discovered planet Tantalus 13. The offer paid significantly better than either was currently making from Argos. More importantly, it offered Rook the chance to indulge his adventurous needs by being one of the first human beings to set foot on a totally new planet, and appealed to Yancy’s desire for recognition and the chance to advance his career from grunt labor to something with an actual sense of status.
The only thing that gave Yancy pause was the employer: Exotech. He had long sworn he would never work with them due to their bloody history of neglect that had cost his family so much. But as had so often been the case throughout their friendship, Rook’s influence eroded Yancy’s convictions. He finally agreed to take the contract, and he and Rook joined the Tantalus 13 expedition, ready to explore a brand new world past the edge of inhabited space.

Yancy Gage

“I got hired to come here and mine, and this ain’t mining. You guys do your Lewis and Clark thing all you want, I’m staying up here this time. “
~Yancy Gage
Yancy’s great-grandparents fled Cuba during the cataclysmic floods that ravaged the island nation during the Corsica Event, resettling in one of the many camps of Caribbean refugees along the American gulf coast. There, they attempted to find a new life for themselves, but between rampant gang violence in the refugee camps and constant harassment from American law enforcement, it was a hard place to live. Eventually, they managed to book passage to a migrant colony in New Jersey, which by this point had seceded from the struggling United States and had joined the newly organized United North American Republic.
There, Yancy’s family remained for generations. Although living conditions were better than they had been on the Gulf coast, the UNAR did not prove to be quite the land of opportunity and progress they had believed it would be. The most readily available jobs were found in the many demolition and construction operations common worldwide through the post-Corsica reconstruction. These jobs were plentiful, but were dangerous and paid poorly, leaving the large family constantly on the poverty line.
In 2112, Exotech Industries initiated the controversial Skyreacher program: an accelerated astronaut training course with a low barrier to entry and guaranteed job placement in Exotech’s booming asteroid mining industry. Though praised by some, many viewed the program as exploitation of poor and marginalized communities for cheap labor to expand Exotech’s already massive space mining monopoly. Particular criticism was leveled at the high workplace casualty rates among Skyreacher workers, with accusations that the program’s “streamlined” training process inadequately prepared workers for the hazards of hard labor in deep space.
When Yancy lost his father and older brother to workplace accidents on deep space asteroid breaker rigs, he set out to honor their memory while avoiding their fates. Desiring to carry on the family’s tradition of deep space mining while aiming to do his part to elevate his family out of its generational poverty, Yancy applied himself to his studies throughout high school until he finally earned a coveted scholarship to the Ganymede Technical Academy. He aspired to be something more than a disposable laborer on a mining rig; when he entered the workforce, he wanted to enter at the top.
At the academy, Yancy gradually worked his way through a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering. His studies were diligent, but his grades were middling, thanks in no small part to the chaotic influence of his new found friend Hollis Rook.
Rook and Yancy became fast friends during freshman year at the academy. Though the two had little common ground at first, Rook’s energetic extroverted personality inexplicably clicked with the much more reserved Yancy’s. Rook’s constantly playful demeanor rubbed off on Yancy, bringing him out of his shell even as it weakened his academic focus.
By the time the two graduated from Ganymede, they were hardly ever seen apart, and had already resolved to find employment together after graduation. They had graduated far from the top of their class, however, and had missed out on many of the academy’s guaranteed work placements, so their opportunities were limited. Exotech Industries was always hiring, but Yancy was strongly disinclined to work for a company that had seen his father and brother die from workplace negligence. His disapproval of Exotech was strong enough that he happily agreed to Rook’s suggestion that they instead work for the mining company with the highest casualty rate in the Home System: the Argos Mining Syndicate.
The Argos mine on Io was every bit as perilous as described. Though it paid comparatively well, it was hard to say any compensation was worth the deadly risks of radiation, groudquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the frequent total freezing of the moon’s meager atmosphere. The hazards suited Rook’s adventurous spirit well, but the risk-averse Yancy quickly regretted the job choice.
On multiple occasions, Yancy suggested applying somewhere else, but each time Rook managed to convince him to stick it out a little longer. It wasn’t until a new opportunity fell into their hands that Rook relented; one that presented them with an opportunity they both craved.
Exotech Industries approached the two of them with a lucrative offer: to be the two mining specialists on a seven-member survey team to the newly discovered planet Tantalus 13. The offer paid significantly better than either was currently making from Argos. More importantly, it offered Rook the chance to indulge his adventurous needs by being one of the first human beings to set foot on a totally new planet, and appealed to Yancy’s desire for recognition and the chance to advance his career from grunt labor to something with an actual sense of status.
The only thing that gave Yancy pause was the employer: Exotech. He had long sworn he would never work with them due to their bloody history of neglect that had cost his family so much. But as had so often been the case throughout their friendship, Rook’s influence eroded Yancy’s convictions. He finally agreed to take the contract, and he and Rook joined the Tantalus 13 expedition, ready to explore a brand new world past the edge of inhabited space.
“I got hired to come here and mine, and this ain’t mining. You guys do your Lewis and Clark thing all you want, I’m staying up here this time. “
~Yancy Gage
Yancy’s great-grandparents fled Cuba during the cataclysmic floods that ravaged the island nation during the Corsica Event, resettling in one of the many camps of Caribbean refugees along the American gulf coast. There, they attempted to find a new life for themselves, but between rampant gang violence in the refugee camps and constant harassment from American law enforcement, it was a hard place to live. Eventually, they managed to book passage to a migrant colony in New Jersey, which by this point had seceded from the struggling United States and had joined the newly organized United North American Republic.
There, Yancy’s family remained for generations. Although living conditions were better than they had been on the Gulf coast, the UNAR did not prove to be quite the land of opportunity and progress they had believed it would be. The most readily available jobs were found in the many demolition and construction operations common worldwide through the post-Corsica reconstruction. These jobs were plentiful, but were dangerous and paid poorly, leaving the large family constantly on the poverty line.
In 2112, Exotech Industries initiated the controversial Skyreacher program: an accelerated astronaut training course with a low barrier to entry and guaranteed job placement in Exotech’s booming asteroid mining industry. Though praised by some, many viewed the program as exploitation of poor and marginalized communities for cheap labor to expand Exotech’s already massive space mining monopoly. Particular criticism was leveled at the high workplace casualty rates among Skyreacher workers, with accusations that the program’s “streamlined” training process inadequately prepared workers for the hazards of hard labor in deep space.
When Yancy lost his father and older brother to workplace accidents on deep space asteroid breaker rigs, he set out to honor their memory while avoiding their fates. Desiring to carry on the family’s tradition of deep space mining while aiming to do his part to elevate his family out of its generational poverty, Yancy applied himself to his studies throughout high school until he finally earned a coveted scholarship to the Ganymede Technical Academy. He aspired to be something more than a disposable laborer on a mining rig; when he entered the workforce, he wanted to enter at the top.
At the academy, Yancy gradually worked his way through a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering. His studies were diligent, but his grades were middling, thanks in no small part to the chaotic influence of his new found friend Hollis Rook.
Rook and Yancy became fast friends during freshman year at the academy. Though the two had little common ground at first, Rook’s energetic extroverted personality inexplicably clicked with the much more reserved Yancy’s. Rook’s constantly playful demeanor rubbed off on Yancy, bringing him out of his shell even as it weakened his academic focus.
By the time the two graduated from Ganymede, they were hardly ever seen apart, and had already resolved to find employment together after graduation. They had graduated far from the top of their class, however, and had missed out on many of the academy’s guaranteed work placements, so their opportunities were limited. Exotech Industries was always hiring, but Yancy was strongly disinclined to work for a company that had seen his father and brother die from workplace negligence. His disapproval of Exotech was strong enough that he happily agreed to Rook’s suggestion that they instead work for the mining company with the highest casualty rate in the Home System: the Argos Mining Syndicate.
The Argos mine on Io was every bit as perilous as described. Though it paid comparatively well, it was hard to say any compensation was worth the deadly risks of radiation, groudquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the frequent total freezing of the moon’s meager atmosphere. The hazards suited Rook’s adventurous spirit well, but the risk-averse Yancy quickly regretted the job choice.
On multiple occasions, Yancy suggested applying somewhere else, but each time Rook managed to convince him to stick it out a little longer. It wasn’t until a new opportunity fell into their hands that Rook relented; one that presented them with an opportunity they both craved.
Exotech Industries approached the two of them with a lucrative offer: to be the two mining specialists on a seven-member survey team to the newly discovered planet Tantalus 13. The offer paid significantly better than either was currently making from Argos. More importantly, it offered Rook the chance to indulge his adventurous needs by being one of the first human beings to set foot on a totally new planet, and appealed to Yancy’s desire for recognition and the chance to advance his career from grunt labor to something with an actual sense of status.
The only thing that gave Yancy pause was the employer: Exotech. He had long sworn he would never work with them due to their bloody history of neglect that had cost his family so much. But as had so often been the case throughout their friendship, Rook’s influence eroded Yancy’s convictions. He finally agreed to take the contract, and he and Rook joined the Tantalus 13 expedition, ready to explore a brand new world past the edge of inhabited space.