Hello my friends. We’re overdue for an update, and there is some news. Unfortunately, this time it isn’t particularly good news, and I am not happy to have to deliver it, but I have a duty to keep you all informed about the ongoing state of things, good or bad. 

I received a call from my publisher earlier last week informing me that, due to ongoing problems with the global supply chain and manpower issues, it will not be possible for our printer to print enough copies of Tantalus Depths to get our first run ready in time for our May 10th launch date. There’s nothing I or my publisher can do about that; the printer simply cannot stock their inventory with the pulp, ink, and other physical materials necessary to create books in the needed quantity by that deadline. We’ve looked into other options, and there isn’t anything else we can do that will allow us to print on time without incurring a major cost deficit. As a result of this, we had no choice but to postpone our launch date for Tantalus Depths. 

I hate having to break that news to you all. You’ve waited so patiently for years, and the absolute last thing I wanted was to have to prolong that wait even further. Thankfully, it’s only by a few months. We’ve already locked in a new publication day for September 27th, so you can still be assured that you’ll get your books this year. Going from a summer release to a fall release is not the worst possible scenario, but I still hate having to ask even more patience of you. It IS coming, though. 

Frustrating as it is, this does give some advantages. I have a lot more time to plan and strategize my launch plan to make the publication day even more impactful. My publisher and I will take advantage of every extra day to seek promotional opportunities and build my audience to ensure this book lands in as many hands as possible. I’m doing my best to turn this situation to our advantage. 

The launch event at Kent Trumbull is being postponed as well, but I’ve been assured that we’ll still be able to do it on the new launch date. I’ll give more details on that when it comes closer. 

I’ll also be sure to use this summer as productively as possible for other projects. The new short story, Empire of Salt, is still on schedule for release later this month in the FAMILY anthology, and I’ve already begun work on another short story that should come out later this year or early next year. I may even be able to use this opportunity to get a head start on my next novel, Proteus, to make sure the wait between books is nowhere near as long as the wait for Tantalus Depths had to be. So there’s a lot to look forward to. 

Updates may be spotty and inconsistent for a while (as if they ever were that consistent) as I shift gears to plan for the new release window, but I won’t keep you in the dark about anything important that comes up. Everything’s a bit chaotic right now, but it won’t be for long. 

Anyway. If you’re starved for new story content right now, there are two new lore articles up on the website to check out: The Algorithmists and the Aftothysian Movement. 

aftothysian movementAlgorithmism

The Algorithmists are a deadly cult of insane tech-worshipping terrorists determined to build an omnipotent AI, and the Aftothysians are an idealistic network of ecoterrorists devoted to stopping extraplanetary colonization at any cost. The two groups have only one thing in common: if either succeeds in their goals, human civilization as we know it will end. 

Learn more about these two dangerous subversive factions in the Explore section of evangraham.org, and see what happens when the two come into direct conflict with each other in my short story “Reliquary” in Writing Bloc’s Passageways anthology.